English Русский Қазақша

Prices and rates

Feed-in tariffs - tariffs for the purchase by financial settlement center in the order prescribed by the Law "On Support for the Use of Renewable Energy Sources", of electricity generated by RES objects.

Feed-in tariffs, according to the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 12, 2014 No. 645 "On approval of Feed-in tariffs".

Renewable energy technology Tariff, tenge/kWh(without VAT)
1 Wind power stations, with the exception of a Feed-in tariffs for the project of the ASTANA EXPO-2017 power station with a capacity of 100 MW, for wind power conversion 22,68
1-1 ASTANA EXPO-2017 100 MW wind power station 59,7
2 Photovoltaic solar energy converters, with the exception of a Feed-in tariffs for solar power plant projects using photovoltaic modules based on Kazakhstani silicon (Kaz PV), to convert the energy of solar radiation 34,61
3 Small Hydro 16,71
4 Biogas 32,23

Type of RES:

Year of energy delivery launch:

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