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About RES Sector

Concept of transition to a green economy has been adopted and is being implemented in Kazakhstan, an effective legislative framework has been created, and clear target indicators have been identified.

21 MW


250 MW


About the RES sector
1195 MW

Solar PV

1489 MW


2955 MW

Total installed capacity of objects use of renewable energy sources for 2022

The share of renewable energy in total electricity production

About the RES sector

* taking into account alternative energy

In 2009, Kazakhstan adopted the first legislative initiatives to support the development of the renewable energy sector. In 2009, the law «On support for the use of renewable energy sources» was adopted, aimed at supporting the use of renewable sources in the production of heat and electricity.

In 2013, the mechanism of state support for the renewable energy sector was launched, which is based on a centralized guaranteed purchase of all electricity produced objects on use by renewable energy sources at fixed tariffs.

To date, 58 renewable energy objects have been commissioned, the total installed capacity of which amounted to 352.5 MW. It should be noted that during the feed-in tariffs mechanism it was possible to reach 1% of the installed capacity of renewable energy objetcs in the country's energy balance, the generation of electrical energy by renewable energy facilities in 2017 was about 1.1 billion kWh of electrical energy. The mechanism of feed-in tariffs lasted until February 2018.

List of conditional cumsumers by consuming zones Download (PDF)

The rapid development of technologies in the renewable energy sector, coupled with the growing number of investors wishing to build renewable energy, required the introduction of a mechanism capable of ensuring a fair and competitive selection of the most efficient projects, projects with the best technological solutions and the lowest capital costs. At present, the global trend that meets these requirements is an auctions mechanism aimed at selecting renewable energy projects.

2018 was marked by the successful start of the first RE auctions. The implemented auctions mechanism is based on studying the best international experience, with the assistance of recognized international experts in this field — IRENA, NREL, USAID, as well as public organizations such as NPP «Atameken», JSC «National Company KAZAKH INVEST», KAZENERGY, KEA.