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Anti-Corruption Issues Section

Dear employees and partners, we are glad to welcome you in the section on anti-corruption issues on the official website of Financial Settlement Center of Renewable Energy LLP (hereinafter referred to as the Partnership).


In accordance with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Combating Corruption," all state bodies, organizations, subjects of the quasi-public sector and officials are obliged to counteract corruption within their competence.


In the implementation of these requirements, the Partnership, a subject of the quasi-public sector, has developed and implemented systems of measures to combat corruption, identify, study, limit and eliminate the causes and conditions that contribute to the commission of corruption offenses, form an anti-corruption culture that characterizes adherence to high standards of behavior, strengthen business reputation and increase confidence in the Partnership.


With the adoption of the anti-corruption policy, officials and employees of the Partnership declared their commitment to the principle of "zero" tolerance for any manifestations of corruption and signed confirmations and obligations to comply with anti-corruption standards, restrictions and requirements established by the Anti-Corruption Policy at FSC of RE LLP.

In accordance with the Anti-Corruption Policy, the Partnership makes every possible effort to minimize the risk of involvement of officials and employees in corruption activities when establishing business relations with partners and counterparties.

The Partnership uses the following tools for this purpose:


  • due diligence of the trustworthiness and business reputation of potential   counterparties, their shareholders and beneficial owners;
  • check of third parties and candidates for employment before making a decision on the beginning or continuation of business/labor relations for their trustworthiness, rejection of corruption and the absence of a conflict of interest;
  • prohibition on acceptance by officials and employees of the Partnership from counterparties of remuneration, payments, gifts and other material and intangible benefits for the provision or receipt of any kind of services, as well as on the offer of gifts to counterparties on behalf of the Partnership and its employees;
  • affiliates verification.

In order to eliminate the causes and conditions that contribute to the commission of corruption offenses, the Partnership seeks to minimize the risks of corruption by conducting anti-corruption monitoring, analysis of corruption risks in internal documents and organizational and management activities of the Partnership, taking other anti-corruption measures.

In order to ensure compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and internal policies, rules, procedures on combating corruption and monitoring the implementation of anti-corruption measures, the Partnership has established an Anti-Corruption Compliance Service, independent of the executive body and accountable to the Supervisory Board of the Partnership.

The main purpose of the Anti-Corruption Compliance Service is to ensure that the Partnership and its employees comply with anti-corruption legislation, anti-corruption policy, as well as monitor the implementation of anti-corruption measures.

On the pages of this section, you will be able to familiarize yourself with the Anti-Corruption Policy and other internal regulatory documents of the Anti-Corruption Partnership, as well as with the activities of the Partnership to take anti-corruption measures.


Anti-Corruption Compliance Service


Anti-Corruption Regulations

Anti-Corruption Activities

If you have experienced corruption