English Русский Қазақша


The rapid development of technologies in the renewable energy sector, coupled with the growing number of investors wishing to implement renewable energy projects in Kazakhstan, required the introduction of a mechanism capable of ensuring fair and competitive selection of the most efficient projects, projects with the best technological solutions and the lowest capital costs. To date, the world trend that meets these requirements is a mechanism for auction bidding aimed at selecting RES projects.

Given this global trend, at the moment, Kazakhstan has introduced a mechanism for auctions for the selection of renewable energy projects. This mechanism replaced the feed-in tariffs mechanism that operated until 2018, which at the initial stage allowed the launch of the renewable energy sector in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In order to select RES projects, changes were made to the current legislation in the field of RE support and rules for the organization and conduction of RE auctions.
Auctions are held on the basis of the auction schedule, approved by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


On December 7, 2020, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan signed the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Supporting the Use of Renewable Energy Sources and the Electric Power Industry" (the Law). The new Law contains rules regulating the mechanism of support of waste-to-energy.

In accordance with the latest amendments made to the Rules for Organizing and Conducting Auctions, including the qualification requirements for auction participants, the content and procedure for submitting an application, the types of financial security of auction participation application and conditions for their submission and return, the procedure for summing up and determining the winners, approved by Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 466 dated December 21, 2017 (the Rules), in 2021, auctions for selection of waste-to-energy projects (WTE) were held for the first time in Kazakhstan.

According to the Schedule of auctions for selection of WTE, published on the official website of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the total volume of purchased installed capacity is 100.8 MW. The maximum auction price is 191.9 KZT/ kWh. The auction date is July 15, 2021.

To participate in the auction for selection of WTE projects, the investor shall be guided by the above Rules.

To implement the project to build a renewable energy facility in Kazakhstan through a mechanism of guaranteed centralized purchase, a potential investor needs:


1. Examine the auction schedule and decide which project is acceptable for implementation


2. Contact the auction organizer (KOREM JSC), to pass online registration in the trading system


3. Sign an agreement with the auction organizer (KOREM JSC).


4. Not later than two working days prior to the auction  provide financial security of the application for participation in the auction for Financial Settlement Center.


5. Take part in the auction according to the auction schedule


6. Become the auction winner.


7. Within 60 days after auction winners are included in the list of RES objects  (for RES) or after inclusion in the register of auction winners (for WTE), apply to Financial Settlement Center to sign a power purchase agreement


8. After the conclusion of power purchase agreement, provide financial security for the performance of the terms of the PPA.