English Русский Қазақша

Seminar about the compliance functions in the organization

On October 13, 2023 in the framework of monthly awareness raising and training events for the employees of the Partnership, the Advisor to the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan on compliance issues, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Compliance and Business Ethics Association - Mr. Akshalov D.E. held a seminar on the topic: «Compliance function in the organization» in «FSC of RES» LLP.

Within the framework of the seminar there were considered the issues of compliance development in international practice and in our country, the influence of various crises, situations, corruption scandals, which caused great losses for companies and spoiled their reputation and special attention has been given to the necessity to implement preventive work to eliminate (minimize) corruptive risks to protect the interests of investors, consumers, society, companies.

Management and anti-corruption compliance services of the companies were noted for their commitment to preventing corruption, as well as for the formation and effectiveness of compliance programs aimed at creating a culture of observance of the established anti-corruption requirements.

The participants also discussed specific cases on undertaking systemic measures to prevent corruption, including a hotline operation, verification of counterparties' reliability, and settlement of conflicts of interest in order to eliminate corruption risks.

There was an active exchange of opinions during the seminar, and employees were given explanations and comprehensive answers in an interactive dialog format.   



Anti-corruption compliance service

оf «FSC of RES» LLP