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Training seminar on universal declaration of income

On June 6, 2023, a training seminar on the issues of universal declaration of income with the participation of representatives of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held for employees of FSC for Renewable Energy LLP. The event was organized by the Anti-Corruption Compliance Service. The representative of the tax authority explained the principles of the introduction of declaration for employees of quasi-public sector entities and their spouses, which is introduced from January 1, 2023.
During the seminar, the head of the department of non-production payments of the district Department of State Revenue of Astana Ruslan Zhaikeev answered the questions of employees when submitting declarations on assets and liabilities (form 250.00, on income and property (form 270.00) and also focused on responsibility for failure to provide or conceal information.
Employees of FSC for Renewable Energy LLP were informed about the requirements of tax legislation on the introduction of universal declaration in several stages.
So, if from January 1, 2021, the Declaration of Assets and Liabilities was submitted by the heads of quasi-public sector companies as persons equated to persons authorized to perform state functions, as well as as persons performing managerial functions in a state organization or a quasi-public sector entity, and their spouses, then this year the obligations to submit the declaration they will affect all employees of companies- subjects of the quasi-public sector.
Since 2023, all employees of quasi-public sector entities and their spouses are required to declare all their property, for which rights and (or) transactions are subject to state or other registration with the competent authority of a foreign state: immovable property, land plots and (or) land shares and other movable property, funds in bank accounts with foreign banks located outside the Republic of Kazakhstan, in an amount that collectively exceeds 1000 times the size of the minimum settlement indicator for all bank deposits, established by the law on the republican budget and effective as of December 31 of the reporting tax period.
Deadlines for submitting declarations at the place of residence (stay) on paper – no later than July 15, 2021, or in electronic form – no later than September 15, 2021.
The declaration of assets and liabilities can be submitted electronically through the Taxpayer's Office (cabinet.salyk.kz ), the portal of "electronic government" (egov.kz ), as well as through the eSalyk mobile and eGov mobile mobile apps.
A Contact center has been launched on the platform of the unified republican number 1414 to clarify the universal declaration. More detailed information is published on the official website of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan (kgd.gov.kz ) in the section "Universal declaration".
Date of publication: June 6, 2023