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The Ministry of Energy proposed to define the Financial Settlement Center as a single buyer of electric energy


The Ministry of Energy proposed to define the Financial Settlement Center  as a single buyer of electric energy.

"KOREM", in turn, should become the settlement center of the balancing market.
As indicated in the draft, the Ministry of Energy proposes to define the limited liability partnership "Settlement and Financial Center for the Support of Renewable Energy Sources" as a single buyer of electric energy, carrying out the centralized purchase and centralized sale of planned volumes of electric energy, reports inbusiness.kz .
Earlier in the "Day Format" program, former Vice Minister of Energy Bakytzhan Dzhaksaliyev stressed that a single buyer would be the most important tool for creating an investment climate in the electric power industry.
"Today, everyone does not understand how to develop further due to the fact that to build stations is to have a clear position: and who will buy from you? Moreover, by creating a new electric station, this station will produce the same marketable products as the old station, but its electricity will be much more expensive than that of the old station, which has all fixed assets already amortized. The introduction of new fixed assets, capex – they need to be compensated, and this cost will just fall on the new stations, which create exactly the same product as the old stations. And if it is a single buyer, then there will be a very transparent mechanism for all credit institutions, financial institutions, both our Kazakhstani and international ones, and for investors themselves," the power engineer believes.
According to him, the full repayment and profitability of investments in new power plants will be guaranteed to investors or creditors through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), which will be concluded with a single buyer.
"Then we won't have any questions – let's take a lag for a certain period of time and within this lag a special electric station, make a certain tariff so that it can invest, then this scheme will not be. It is the introduction of such a mechanism of a single buyer, first of all, as its main goal, that is a stimulating mechanism for the development of the energy industry," Dzhaksaliyev said on the air.
As indicated in the draft, the Ministry of Energy proposes to define the joint-stock company "Kazakhstan Operator of the Electric Energy and Capacity Market" as the settlement center of the balancing market, which carries out the centralized purchase and sale of balancing electricity and negative imbalances in the balancing electricity market.
Date of publication: April 26, 2023