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Information on measures taken to combat corruption


In accordance with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Combating Corruption", all state bodies, organizations, quasi-public sector entities and officials are obliged to counteract corruption within their competence.

In the subjects of the quasi-public sector, structural units are defined performing the functions of anti-corruption compliance services, the main task of which is to ensure compliance by the relevant organization and its employees with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on combating corruption.

To implement these requirements, the FSC of RES Limited Liability Partnership (hereinafter referred to as the Partnership), which is a quasi–public sector entity, has established an Anti-Corruption Compliance Service and appointed a Compliance Officer.

The decision of the Supervisory Board approved the Partnership's Anti-Corruption Plan for 2022 and its implementation of policies, standards, rules on anti-corruption issues aimed at strict compliance with the established requirements and the adoption of a set of measures to prevent and combat corruption, prevent and resolve conflicts of interest, liability measures for corruption offenses (The Anti-Corruption Policy in the Partnership is posted in in the "Company Documents" subsection of the "About us" section).

The effect of regulatory documents on combating corruption applies to all officials and employees, regardless of the level of the position held and the functions performed.

Officials and employees of the Partnership have accepted:

Anti-corruption restrictions;

Obligations to comply with approved anti-corruption standards;

The principles and values of the Partnership for the observance of the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities and their protection from corruption have been adopted.

In order to form an anti-corruption worldview and prevent corruption offenses, the Partnership will regularly hold explanatory and training events for its employees, as well as activities will be aimed at taking a set of measures to prevent and prevent manifestations of corruption, which will always be our priority.

The Partnership will continue to cover its anti-corruption activities on the pages of this website.

Date of publication: November 14, 2022